Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I know this isn't drum related but...

Jason here,

I know this isn't drum related, but as a business owner and someone doing their best to make something of themselves in this world... I thought it worth sharing. 

Just got this disturbing email from my online pharmacy. 

Section 708 of the new FDA Safety and Innovation Act (S. 3187) gives government agencies the authority to seize and destroy prescription drugs that are imported for personal use.
We are calling on our supporters to let the Obama Administration know how you feel about this unfair regulation.
This provision was clearly crafted by big drug companies at the expense of public health. It has no business being a part of the FDA bill. Over a million Americans each year rely on importation to access their vital medicines at prices they can afford.

 I am trying to start a new business from scratch with very little capital at my disposal... I can't get a loan from the bank in spite of my great credit. My medical insurance bills are up over $400 a month and are approaching what I pay for rent! At least my prescription drugs were more manageable because of Canpharm.

I used to get them locally, but the price is 3 times what it cost for international. Now the US gov is trying to make that illegal. They are crippling the hard working Americans that are trying to make something of themselves to stimulate this terrible economy here in the US. Let us get our medication where ever we wish... this is a free society... Isn't it?

You can sign a petition here at this link:

Check for more issues and actions you could take. you can also follow the rxrights advocacy on Twitter (@RxRights) and Facebook

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Drummers Almanac Official Blog: Welcome to our Blog!

The Drummers Almanac Official Blog: Welcome to our Blog!: Well, this is my very first time Blogging... I am a Blogger Virgin NO MORE.  I have to admit I was a little nervous to get into the whole Bl...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

Well, this is my very first time Blogging... I am a Blogger Virgin NO MORE.  I have to admit I was a little nervous to get into the whole Blog community, but my buddy Mike D. is making me!  I'm getting ready for the launch of our new website ,this September 2012.  The site is dedicated to the study of drumming, which if my life's work thus far.  The site has been "soft launched" and we are still working out the bugs, and setting up the systems, but everything is basically ready to go.  If you're reading this blog and wanna check it out, feel free to follow the link above... I'd love any feedback. ~ Jason